I have been urged by some friends and family to blog more. 'Bout what, though? Well, lets talk about my dream world. In no particular order, I give you, kind folks, an abbreviated list of some of the loveliness I plan to attain!
1. I'm thin and fit. Phew! What a struggle THAT's been, for the last 3 years especially. SOMETHING in my body has changed dramatically. Screw age! Damn genetics! Curses to weird bodily ailments and mysteries! But I've got a new resolve and I'm gonna make something happen! I might have to work out twice as hard and eat half as much as normal folk, but if that's what I have to do, I'll do it!!! (Now watch me get pregnant finally.)
2. I live in a pretty house in the country. That's new for me. I've always been a city girl b/c I like consumer-ing so very much. But, I have discovered that I want a quiet peace away from too many neighbors. I don't want to keep up with Jones' either. I want to feel safe and let my kids run outside all day. And I want that house to be modest. Crisp, classic, and average.
3. I'm rich. LOAD-ED. But no one knows it. I'm able to give and give and give, mostly anonymously. So we live in a well-kept medium size house, have a couple almost new cars, employ a bit of help in the house and yard, and travel all over the world. Even our children are not aware of our wealth, and will not be excessively spoiled. Oh, and Michael doesn't have to work long hours since he pays other people (generously) to do his bidding.
4. My parents live RIGHT next door. My dad and I garden together. My kids run between houses as they please. We see Michael's side of the family more b/c we don't have to travel to see my folks. My mom and I cook all natural, organic-y meals together. And we exercise together. And of course shop together. I work on their feet to keep them in the best of health. Michael and I even get to go on the occasional date (EVEN OVERNIGHT) b/c we have 2 fabulous sitters next door. Okay, one fabulous one. Dad needs some coaching there.
5. We have 4-6 kids. Or maybe more. Because it's dream world and our kids are swell and we're ridiculously marvelous parents. So we have loads of fun, witty, smart, gorgeous, loving, helpful, healthy, faithful, obedient children. We eat meals together, vacation together, worship together, and laugh all the day long. My kids are over-achievers, but are not over-scheduled. Loads of friends think of our house as their second home b/c we keep an open door to all (ish).
That's enough dreaming for now. As if I'm a child, I naively believe the world can be mine. Stay tuned. You'll see.
That is brilliant. I'm going to write a dream list. You have a way Summer, of puting things perfectly.
Hey you stole my dreams! Other than my parents next door. That's a little too close for me. More like two or three hours away instead of 17.
Thanks Shayla! Make a dream list! It's so fun! We miss you in this neck of the woods :)
'Brimaca'-I probably stole a lot of people's dreams, huh. Notice I'm blogging more. Thanks for the push!
LOVe that you finally blogged!!! You are hilarious, and I KNOW all of your dreams can come true!! :)
1. Of course you will. Of course.
3. I'm working on this for me...because DUDE. Have the house, now everything else should follow, right?
4. Wanna come garden with me next year? I know it's not your parents, but it's something...
Foot appt. Next month?
Sarah-Thanks! I sure hope so! :) And I'm going to try to join the blogging world more regularly. We'll see how long that lasts!
T-Thanks for the vote of confidence! You are about right on the cusp of much of my dream world! And, yes, garden next year, and double yes-Feet, of course, anytime you'd like!
Love the list! You need to find out how to become a popular, regular blogger that Everyone reads and you can get paid just to blog about life. You are definetely a great writer and have the perfect personality for it. I already read a few blogs like that, and I think yours is every bit as entertaining as the others, or better! I think you have a gift. Ok, have I gone off on that for long enough yet? :)
I knew there was a reason we've been friends for 18 years. We have the same dream life. Good luck! If anyone deserves to get it, you do.
Seriously, my dreams. And that I can pick all my neighbors, you being one of them (of course)! I've slacked on reading blogs (and gave up on you writing them), so was excited to read :). Pure entertainment reading for me, but made me miss ya. how many years til I get to see you again?
Seriously, my dreams. And that I can pick all my neighbors, you being one of them (of course)! I've slacked on reading blogs (and gave up on you writing them), so was excited to read :). Pure entertainment reading for me, but made me miss ya. how many years til I get to see you again?
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