Things I was scared of as a child:
1. The song "woa-oa here she comes. Watch out boys she'll chew you up... She's a man-eater."
2. The song "I just died in your arms tonite."
3. Burglars downstairs as I ran across the hall to the parent's room after jumping off my bed to avoid the snakes under it.
4. A witch that would certainly pop out of the toilet if I didn't wash hands and get out before the toilet noises stopped.
5. The movie "Watcher in the Woods".
6. Needles.
7. Snakes... or a stick that looked like a snake following me home on my bike.
8. Never marrying.
9. The thought of dying and going into nothingness.
10. The thought of dying and then living FOREVER. And EVER. And EVER.
11. Graduating to Young Women's from Primary in church.
12. "Unsolved Mysteries"... and walking outside at night and hearing its theme in my head.
Things I'm afraid of now:
1. Heights without restraints.
2. Death of my parents, husband, or children.
3. The end of the world (and the crap leading up to it).
4. Being fat and getting fatter.
5. Snakes.
6. My kids living lifestyles that I don't approve of.
7. Ghosts, spirits, demons, whatever you want to call them.
That was hilarious! I too was terrified of Watcher in the Woods (let's watch it!) and Unsolved Mysteries..hello, UNSOLVED! that means this creep is still out there, probably in my yard! I can totally see you jumping as far as you can off your bed to avoid getting bitten by the snakes that, no matter how many people disagree, were DEFINATELY not imaginary! You crack me up, thanks!
summer-- I love that you talked about that maneater song. It used to freak me out. I thought this woman who had bright orange hair and green skin was going to come and devour my dad. freaky...
Hey Summer, it's Aaron from Hawaii. Just wanted to say hi...and that you were a strange child. Say hi to Mike for me:) By the way, did you ever see that episode of Star Trek with that nasty grey skinned, stringy haired, wrinkely, suction-cup-fingers-suck-the-salt-out-of-your-face lady? Yeah, freaky.
I just have to third the notion of Watcher in the Woods. CREEPY! I was terrified of mirrors and trees at night for many, many, years.
Never been scared of a song, though. You're on your own with that one Sum.
Can I tell you how bad I felt about not getting together with you one last time before leaving that states? BAD. It makes me quite sad. I was just so crazy and busy before leaving. But I'm glad you're with your parents, having fun.
Watcher in the Woods and Unsolved Mysteries, baby. Right there with you!
Yup...you're funny! I'm scared of something happening to one of my three kids...oh, and bees!
Speaking of snakes...yesterday we went on a bike ride (read my blog) and all of a sudden a HUGE snake slithered across the path. I tried to avoid it and was successful with the front tire but the back tire hit it and it FLEW into the air higher than my head! I was SCREAMING the whole time. I never realized I was so afraid of snakes until yesterday! Bryson was right behind me on his bike and it almost hit him! He even let out a scream. It was FUNNY!
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