Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Florida with the kids and having a good time relaxing and bonding. Definitely enjoying the weather, esp. the warm rain, while winter (including snow) has bombed my husband in Logan. But, my kids have been CRAZY! Within the first few days, they broke a potted plant, spilled red juice on a fancy rug, and broke the bathroom soap dish. Each kid got poop on the floor. Quincy peed once on Grandma and once on the floor. They dumped chips all over the floor. Avery LOADED the washer with dry detergent (a whole massive box). They have scared the dog into living under the bed. Poor Quincy fell off the bed twice and she had a ladder fall on her head. They also found the permanent markers and Quincy did some body art. Avery put toy golf clubs in the fridge and later dumped coke down my shirt! Plus they are whiny with some awful cough/cold thing! Sheesh! However, Quincy has gotten super cute with all her talking and she's giving the sweetest kisses. And Avery telling Grandma and Grandpa he loves them and telling Daddy he misses him. They're either SUPER naughty or MEGA sweet these days. Polar.
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About Me
- Summer's World
- Logan, UT
- So I used to think... I used to think it was my world. Maybe Michael thought it was his. But we have been re-educated. By a 4 year old and a 2 year old. It's their world. We live in it.
A peek into our window
Birth of Child #1

He looked like a blue alien. Luckily it didn't stick. And thank goodness we didn't go with Michael's idea to name him based on what he looked like.
Birth of Child #2

Much less eventful, thank goodness! She was born with red hair and 2 teeth... and skin colored skin!
- Quincy says "Where's Avy? I dunno." She talks sooo much and she's so small (5th percentile) that is seems like she shouldn't be talking at all.
- She roams wildly during church and has become quite the scavenger approaching anyone with food. Its embarrasingly adorable!
- Quincy's vocab has exploded to include the words, "please, thank you, outside, sucker, candy, Avery, Grandpa, slide, ride, hold you, ni-night, water, bird, doggie, airplane, etc.....! She seems so little!
- One of the most "wow" things she has done is climb one of those HUGE blow-up slides and slide down REPEATEDLY, ALL BY HERSELF!!!
- Quincy (with great effort) threw the upper couch cushions on the floor and then proceeded to dive off couch, climb back up, repeat.
- She says"I want: cookie, go, this, that, drink, wa-wa, play." She also says no, baby, hello, bye-bye, and peek-a-boo. And of course she says "Mom and Da."
- Quincy talks a lot now. But first thing in the day and then 100 more times: "I want coo-kie." Very telling about her love affair with food.
- A day after being educated, Avery pulled down his pants and touched his boyhood saying, "Hey Grandma, these are my private parts." HA-larious!
- (After using the bathroom) "I made a waterfall. Then I made it stop."
- "Hey Dad. This is my [invisible] friend Caillou. Will you be a monster and scare us?"
- "Grandpa, what's in your belly?" says Avery. Mom says, "What do you think is in there?" "A baby?" guesses Avery. "Nope. Just lots of cherries," says Grandpa Schaefer. HAH!
- Quincy was crying in the middle of the night and Avery said, "Take a deep breath, Quincy." It was sweet.
- Quincy was screaming like a pterodactyl for Avery's food, so he snapped "Chill Out Quincy!"
- In Avery's first attempt at being a smart-a, he was playing with his friend Jaden Knight and we were asking the boys their full names. Avery responded that his name was Avery James Day. Might have had to be there.
- Avery still tries to stick his hand down my shirt. When I won't let him, he occasionally asks if he can stick his foot down my shirt instead.
- I told Avery that Heavenly Father lived in heaven. He thought I said he lived 'with Kevin', so in alarm he asked, "With Kevin and Melissa?!!!"
- Avery was out cold and we had to go. It was odd how I couldn't wake him, so I threw him over my shoulder and started heading out. All of the sudden with startling gusto, he yelled "I see Jesus." I thought he was a visionary, but turns out he woke up just as I walked past a picture of Christ.
Kids are GREAT! I am looking forward to those days!
Ya. I've had those times. It's weird we all live the same life. Thanks for sharing so I don't think my kids are sometimes possessed.
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